Let us introduce ourselves, we are Clarke and Carrie Carlisle.
Corporate Speakers. Mental Wellbeing At Work Course Creators.
Husband and wife.
Former Footballers.
Okay, fine. Only one of us did that. The other was a Sports Broadcaster which, thankfully, involved a lot less running.
Although we are both still involved in the world of football, our passion lies in helping others achieve excellent mental wellbeing in the workplace.
And there's one very good reason for that.
We both realise that, had we been aware of key aspects of our mental health that were holding us back, we would have achieved so much more in our respective careers.
If we'd spent less time faking wellbeing and more time identifying, then practising it, daily, every single aspect of our lives would have majorly benefitted from it.
Our mental health is the best it has ever been. Not only that, it's the best out of anybody we know.
Which, when you consider the multiple suicide attempts, severe recurrent depressive episodes, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, addictions, and many other maladaptive issues we have had experience of our entire adult lives, well, that's quite a bold statement to make!
We are living proof that you can be honest about adverse mental health issues and hold down a successful career.
That seeking help, rather than trying to hide symptoms, is the mark of a responsible employee, not something to be ashamed of.
That delegating our mental wellbeing to trained professionals, is no different to any other facet of a managerial position .And it can be done with the same business-like attitude.
We have spoken to thousands of people, in hundreds of U.K. and E.M.E.A. based companies.
So we truly understand what stops high achieving individuals from seeking help.
And, most importantly, we know how to break through those barriers.
Our online courses took years to design and perfect. And, because they originate from a totally self- experiential viewpoint, they are unlike anything else that has ever been produced in the Mental Health sector.
There is no type of business we have not worked with, no employee base we are unfamiliar with; be it public or private sector, charitable organisation or financial institute.
We know which issues are unique to which profession. And, our solutions-based courses are designed to identify less-than-optimal mental health symptoms, both in ourselves and our colleagues, and approach them in a comfortable and appropriate manner.
And, importantly, normalise the practise of asking for, and expecting to achieve, great mental wellbeing in the workplace.
This blog is here to keep you updated on where we've been, new things we've learned, and any tools we think you might like to give a go in your own workplace.
If you want to learn more about how to design a course with us for your company, feel free to get in touch and we can have a chat about it.
This blog you are reading right now, and the section you found it in, is free, and there will always be plenty for you to explore on this site.
And we'd love you to do that and see which parts resonate with you at this moment in time.
If you are not in crisis, but suspect that you aren’t as well as you could be. Or that how you feel is starting to dominate your life. Now is a great time to check out the resources listed in the directory, that are in your area.
If you, or someone you know, is currently experiencing Mental Health Crisis, please follow our instructions under the red light STOP section.
In the past we have also had to follow these instructions, so please do not feel alone in this.
It is the single most beneficial thing that any of us can do to keep safe.
And there are absolutely no substitutes for these instructions. So please follow them to the letter.
Then, as you start to get better (which we both have personally done), you can look for services in the Amber and then Green Section.
And all services listed in the Traffic Light sections are free.
Every single part of the website, and the services we offer here, took years of planning.
We tell you this, because we want you to know how very important we take your wellbeing.
Your journey is our journey.
We look forward to seeing you around, whether here or on our personal website.
Love & Blessings,