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Online Diagnostic Services


Self-diagnosis, or trying to diagnose another person is not only unhelpful, it is UNSAFE


This is solely the job of trained, qualified professionals


If you are unsure of where you are at, and are reluctant to access services just yet, then try these online tools that will assess you objectively


The results are NOT a medical diagnosis, however, they will clearly gauge your situation and point you towards recommended services


Widely known as 'The Goldberg Test', this is a STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL set of 21 questions

The result will be on a scale from 0-63

With this comes advice on further action and contact details for clinicians


This is a STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL set of 10 questions

The result will be on a scale from 0-40

With this comes advice on further action and contact details for clinicians

General Mood

This is a STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL set of 18 questions that combines both the Depression and Anxiety tests

Advice is given dependent on your answers along with a link to Samaritans

Alcohol Dependence

Health Anxiety

Self-diagnosis, or trying to diagnose another person is not only unhelpful, it is UNSAFE


This is solely the job of trained, qualified professionals


Because Mental Health isn't visible, it can be challenging to explain to other people how we are feeling


We regularly do the quizzes below, just to calibrate  our own health


Feel free to pop back as often as you like, and take as many as you feel drawn to at the time


There are some quizzes here that may seem irrelevant, but in this post-lockdown world, during a pandemic, it's important that we try and identify the source of our unease as specifically as possible


If you have been a front line worker during COVID-19, or are an NHS, Care or Emergency Service worker, it is particularly important to take the PTSD quiz (and follow any guidance to seek help), given the trauma of recent events and the toll it is taking on so many


We take the results of these tests to our GP appointments. It helps bridge the gap between unseen illness and any possible reluctance to navel-gaze in front of people, especially when we don't feel in the right headspace to communicate





Knowledge of ourselves brings power back to us




Widely known as 'The Goldberg Test', this is a STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL set of 21 questions

The result will be on a scale from 0-63

With this comes advice on further action and contact details for clinicians


This is a STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL set of 10 questions

The result will be on a scale from 0-40

With this comes advice on further action and contact details for clinicians

PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

This is a STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL set of 22 questions

The result will be on a scale from 0-100

With this comes advice on further action and contact details for clinicians

Alcohol Dependence

This is a STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL set of up to 12 questions

Advice is given on completion, along with contact information for support

Addictive Behaviour (General)

This is a STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL test for addictive behaviour in general

There are multiple links to advice and support for the following:

Alcohol / Compulsive Eating / Computer / Drug / Exercise / Gambling / Gaming / Internet / Porn / Sex / Shoplifting / Shopping / Work

Health Anxiety

This is a STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL set of 26 questions

Results assess your health anxiety levels against the Hypochondria scale

Advice is given with professional support recommended where necessary

Financial Anxiety

This is a set of 18 questions that attempts to clarify your financial behaviour

Insight and advice is offered alongside your result

Here is a link to NHS advice for dealing with money worries

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


This is a STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL set of 18 questions

Results are given on a scale from 0 - 72

With this comes advice on further action and contact details for clinicians

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Clarke & Carrie Ltd - Company registration number 12840501

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